Norwegians have never before documented so much renovation in their homes as in 2022. Since the Disposal Act took effect last year, Norwegians have also doubled their willingness to pay for well documented homes.
This according to new insight from YouGov and Boligmappa.
Boligmappa received more than 2,9 million renovation documents in 2022. This marks an increase with nearly 30 %, and more than 2000 more documents each day than the previous year. In total, more than 325 000 homes in Norway received documentation from electricians, plumbers, carpenters and more – directly stored into their boligmappe.
- People are definitely more aware when it comes to documentation of work done in their homes. It´s is a tremendous growth, really. It´s great news, because well-documented homes and properties lead to a more secure and transparent housing market, says Eirik Vigeland, Head of Communications at Boligmappa.
The new legislation came into effect last year, and is causing a surge in demand for home documentation. A Property Appraiser can, for example, state that a newly renovated bathroom in theory is worthless on paper, if he can´t see the documentation and tell whether or not the renovation is done according to standard.
NOK 800 000 to be gained if properly documented
According to a new YouGov survey, Norwegians are willing to pay almost 20 % more for a property where plumbing and electrician work is well documented.
That equals more than NOK 800 000 for an average home in Norway
- Well documented properties are now in greater demand than ever. The willingness to pay has actually doubled in just over a year. This is the Disposal Act effect, says Vigeland.
The YouGov survey is carried out on behalf of Boligmappa in February 2023 and April 2021. Both had more than 1000 respondents over the age of 18. The number documents and homes is extracted from the Boligmappa database.
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