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New property legislation gives housing documentation high value

Written by Eirik Vigeland | Feb 2, 2023 1:02:53 PM

On January 1st 2022, several significant changes were made to the act governing the selling and purchasing of properties in Norway, known as The Alienation Act (Avhendingsloven). The Government´s intention has been to create a housing market with less friction and conflict.

Previously, Norwegian properties were almost always sold “as they were”, in turn potentially relieving sellers of responsibility for hidden defects or damages not disclosed in the property documents and undiscovered by the buyer (and/or seller) prior to the purchase. This general exception is now banned.

As part of the changes, the contents of property survey reports and the appraisal process has been devoted its own regulation. In short, the survey is now significantly more thorough, and documentation from craftsmen has been made mandatory in order to receive a good grade.

This in turn has led to a surge for producing, storing and finding documentation from Norwegian households. A newly renovated bathroom will, as an example, be regarded worthless without proper documentation from the plumber and carpenter.

In consequence, the new legislation has made documentation from electricans, plumbers and other craftsmen into valuable securities for homeowners. Boligmappa has in Q1, as a result, experienced an all-time high demand both from professionals and private users.

Read more: Finansavisen Dagbladet (din side) Dagsavisen TV2

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